
Welcome to the LossExpress Gap Documents API! This API is designed for use by companies interested in informing insurance adjusters of missing documents on claims within LossExpress, and viewing existing documents on claims.

When going through the integration process with your organization’s systems and LossExpress, it’s important to keep in mind the idea at the core of the LossExpress product and underlying APIs: we act simply as a conduit of information, from carriers to lenders.

As a result, we have done our best when building out this API to ensure it behaves consistently and correctly, and is designed simply; without making assumptions about a request or behaving differently behind the scenes depending on circumstance.


Upon receiving authentication credentials, vendors are initially put into a testing phase. This is a sandbox environment where you can create and manipulate claims - and make mistakes - without affecting production data or processes. Once testing has been thoroughly completed, let us know and we will take you out of the testing phase.


Our Gap Documents API utilizes HTTP Basic authentication. Upon signing up, you will receive a username (vendor ID) and a password.

Every request is expected to have a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Basic <base64credentials>

Search Claims

You can utilize this endpoint to search for claims and received Claim IDs (claimId) and documents related to that claim.

Example Response:

  "claims": [
      "claimId": "c30ae9da-9222-4de5-81fe-fe1ac590fa0f",
      "claimNumber": "LX-EXAMPLE3",
      "carrierName": "Factory Intelligent Insurance",
      "dateOfLoss": "2023-11-29",

      "documents": [
          "type": "settlement breakdown",
          "documentUrl": "",
          "createdAt": "2021-01-08T22:03:09.598Z",
          "type": "letter of guarantee",
          "documentUrl": "",
          "createdAt": "2021-01-08T22:03:09.599Z",

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameters Description
vin Vehicle Identification Number of the claim; required
dateOfLoss (Optional) The date of loss of the claim, formatted: YYYY-MM-DD

Send Direct Message

Example Response (201 Status Code):

  "success": true

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
claimId The LossExpress claim identifier associated with the claim (pulled from the Search Claims route)

Request Body

This route accepts a JSON payload of an object comprising of:

Parameters Description
message The direct message to be sent to LossExpress; required. Accepts a string. Maximum characters: 255
missingDocs (Optional) An array of documents types to request. See allowed missingDoc types below for acceptable values.

Allowed types for missingDocs

The allowed types for missing docs are:

Allowed Field Document Type
payoff report The Payoff Report
loan payment history The Payment History
letter of guarantee The Letter of Guarantee
copy of title The Copy of Title, also known as Title Image
bill of sale The Bill of Sale
installment contract The Installment Contract
title status The Title Status
repo affidavit The Repo Affidavit
one and the same letter The One and The Same Letter
payment status The payment status
settlement breakdown The Settlement Breakdown
valuation report The Valuation Report
cause of loss The Cause of Loss Document
police report The Police Report
declaration page The Declaration Page
proof of payment The Proof of Payment
other Any other document. The requested document may be specified in the message of the DM.

Unique Errors

On top of general API errors, this route can return the following unique errors:

Status Code Error Message
409 Conflict Sending direct messages on claims with a date of loss that is over 4 months in the past is not allowed.


Our Gap Documents API returns the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- You do not have access to that route.
404 Not Found -- The specified information could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a route with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.